• English
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L1050449Syd Howells is the Museum Volunteer Manager at the Egypt Centre and is the first point of contact for anyone wishing to volunteer here or undergo a work placement.

Phone: 01792 606065

Email Address:  l.s.j.howells@swansea.ac.uk

Brief CV

  • M.A. in Museum Studies, Leicester University (2016).
  • B.A. (Hons) in History, Swansea University (2013).
  • Certificate in Higher Education in Egyptology, Swansea University.
  • Archaeological experience in Egypt and the United Kingdom.

Research Interests

  • Propaganda (both ancient and modern)
  • Volunteering in the Heritage Sector
  • The Ethics of Collecting
  • The History of Eccentricity


  • 2024 ‘Swansea’s Egyptian Revival Buildings’. The Swansea History Journal, Minerva. No.32. pp.177-181
  • 2024 ‘A Partnership of Unequals: The RISW and University College Swansea’ chapter in Swansea’s Royal Institution and Wales’s First Museum https://www.uwp.co.uk/book/swanseas-royal-institution-and-wales-first-museum/
  • 2023 ‘Lieutenant Colonel A D Wintle MC: An Irregular Soldier’. The Historical Association Swansea Branch Journal, Chronicle. Issue: 2023. pp. 11-14
  • 2021 ‘Iolo Morganwg: Swansea area connections’. The Swansea History Journal, Minerva. No.29. pp. 83-90
  • 2020 ‘Dr William Price at the Egypt Centre, Swansea University’ The Swansea History Journal, Minerva. No. 28. pp. 111-114
  • 2017 ‘Informal Learning in a Museum Setting’ https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/blog/informal-learning-museum-setting  European Commission, Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
  • 2015 ‘Engaging with the Hard to Reach: From Town to Gown’ (written with Wendy Goodridge) and included as a chapter in  Advancing Engagement: A Handbook for Academic Museums (Volume Three)
  • 2013 ‘Acceptance and Removing Barriers: Young Volunteers in a University Museum Setting’. GEM (Group for Education in Museums) Case Studies Vol. 11

Outside Interests

  • Archaeology
  • History: I am a member of the Historical Association Swansea Branch Outreach Speakers Group  http://www.haswansea.org.uk/page13.html (talks include Wonderful Things: A Look at the History and Collections of the Egypt Centre, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities at Swansea University and Dr William Price and the Welsh Pharaohs)
  • I sit on the Committee of the Royal Institution of South Wales
  • Music
  • Photography 

