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Quarterly we publish our Volunteer Newsletter, featuring facts, articles, art etc. related to ancient Egypt and the Egypt Centre. Previous issues can be downloaded below:

Apr-Jun 2024

plus the full articles with references from this issue by Sian Charlton, Donna Thomas and Dulcie Engel can be found here: Sun Worshippers of Ancient Egypt Feeling Blue The Pyramid of Austerlitz 

Jan-Mar 2024

plus the full articles from this issue by Sian Charlton and Dulcie Engel can be found here: Reflections – Sian Charlton Swansea’s Other Mummy – Dulcie Engel BEETLEMANIA – Dulcie Engel

Oct-Dec 2023

Jul-Sep 2023

Apr-Jun 2023

Jan-Mar 2023

Oct-Dec 2022

plus the full article from this issue by Donna Thomas can be found here: Diseases of the ancient Egyptians

Jul-Sep 2022

Apr – Jun 2022

Jan-Mar 2022

Oct-Dec 2021

Jul-Sep 2021

plus full articles from this issue by Beth Saunders, Dulcie Engel and Catherine Bishop can be seen here:  Birds_in_AE   cbishopv1   Tomb_of_Nebamun

Apr-Jun 2021

plus full articles from this issue by Beth Saunders can be seen here: Bethany Saunders Artefact Review, W221    Bethany Saunders Religious Associations of EC139

Jan-Mar 2021

Winter 2020-21

Apr-Sep 2020

Jan – Mar 2020


