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Summer Holiday TWO-DAY WorkshopS  2013 

Suitable for age 6-10

NEW, Improved workshops (more arts and crafts then ever before)!


Tuesday 30th July-Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st August-Friday 2nd August – Tomb Raiders- fULLY BOOKED

Exploring and crashing into tombs all over Egypt.
We will be tomb raiders! Making replicas of ancient artefacts and breaking curses the Egyptians left behind. We will look at some of the world’s most famous explorers and what treasures they discovered. Finally, we will think about what we could do to stop someone getting into our tomb if we were ancient Egyptians and then design our own tomb. 

Tuesday 6th-Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th-Friday 9th August- Warrior Pharaohs- SPACES STILL AVALIABLE ON 8TH-9TH

Become King of ancient Egypt and protect your country from the forces of chaos. Learn all about the famous warrior Pharaohs that made Egypt great by taking control of far away lands and stopping any enemies that tried to invade. As a warrior Pharaoh you will need to make your very own blue crowns of war to wear into battle, as well as bronze scale armour fit for a king. 

Tuesday 13th-Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th- Friday 16th August- Journey down the Nile- SPACES STILL AVALIABLE ON 15TH AND 16TH

Take a trip down the river Nile and Learn about the importance of this remarkable river to the ancient Egyptians. Discover the amazing creatures that call this river home and create your own fantastic Nile animal hats. Be an Egyptian for the day and make your own rowing oars to travel a boat down the Nile as you re-enact the story of the Pharaoh’s journey down the river.

Tuesday 20th- Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd-Friday 23rd August- Master of Gold and stoNe: The life of a craftsman- SPACES STILL AVALIABLE 

Be transported to the village of the people who made all the amazing art of ancient Egypt. You will be in charge of making Tutankhamun’s death mask and a stone cartouche which will be completely crafted by you! Finally, we will all together help with painting the tomb walls of the pharaoh showing a beautiful feast scene.


Tuesday 27th-Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th-Friday 30th August- Mummies, Tombs and Magic- 1 SPACE LEFT ON 29TH-30TH

Come and be transprted to the past as you become an ancient Egyptian! Perform a mummification ceremony and learn about the magical spells that were used to protect the dead as they travelled to the afterlife. We have loads of arts and craft activities including amking your own animal mummies.


These amazing workshops have been created and run by Angharad Gavin, Rosie Freeman and Sam Wale. 

SAM 3159

Throughout the summer workshops there will be a chance to take part in an art competition!


Modules registered with Children’s University Swansea


Workshops run 10am-3.00pm
Cost – £30 per workshop (Please bring a packed lunch and wear play clothes).
Only 10 places available per workshop that have to be pre-booked with payment and parent/guardian consent form submitted. To download a consent form click here.


Tel 01792 295960

Or email w.r.goodridge@swansea.ac.uk

