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Summer Holiday Children’s Workshops 2015

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Each workshop is two days of hands on activities and arts and crafts based on exciting Egyptian topics!

Suitable for children aged between 6-10


Week One: Craftsmen and Artisans

(Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th July) OR (Thursday 30th & Friday 31st July)

  • As a craftsman you will dress up as an ancient Egyptian, handle real artefacts on our materials board and create your very own shabti figurine to place in the tomb and serve the king in the afterlife.

Week Two: Animals of Ancient Egypt

(Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th August) OR (Thursday 6th & Friday 7st August)

  •  Find out why animals were so important and make your own 3D animal mask!

Week Three: Writing Hieroglyhs 

(Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th August) OR (Thursday 13th & Friday 14th August)

  •  Learn to write your name in hieroglyphs and create your very own offering stela!

Week Four: Roman Egypt 

(Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th August) OR (Thursday 20th & Friday 21st August)

  •  Discover what the Romans did for ancient Egypt and make your very own mosaic!

 Week Five: Jounrey to the Afterlife 

(Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th August) OR (Thursday 27th & Friday 28th August)

  •  Become the King of Egypt as you make your way to the afterlife and create your own coffin pencil boxes!


Booking Information:


2 day workshop 10am-3.00pm

Tuesday & Wednesday OR Thursday & Friday

£40 for the two days

Booking is essential as limited places are available


To book please ring 01792 295960 or email egyptcentre@swansea.ac.uk


