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ACCES Seminar More Than Musty Mummies: Novel Approaches to Egyptology and the Public

15th June 2012

Often display of mummies is seen as the obvious way to get the public involved in Egyptology. This seminar intends to highlight some of the more innovative approaches to inspiring the public with all things Egyptological.

This event proved very poluar. You can see blogs on the event by the following

Beverley Rogers

Campbell Price

Kasia Szpakowska

Sessions included:


Thomas Cadbury and Jenny Durrant

 A learning process:  The creation and use of a new Ancient Worlds gallery at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum 

Jane Marley and Lisa Mitchell

 Unwrapping the Past: Concept to creation of a new gallery at the Royal Cornwall Museum.

Campbell Price


Egyptology and the public at the Manchester Museum


Ashleigh Taylor

Volunteers: Inspiring engagement with Egyptology

Sue Giles

The Egypt Gallery at Bristol: the philosophy behind the displays


Speaker Abstracts

Free entry but booking essential.


Ring 01792 295960

or email Wendy Goodridge
