• English
  • Cymraeg

February 2012 Half-Term Holiday Workshop

Suitable for age 7-10  




Sally Fung, Volunteer Assistant Education Officer, has devised and will run all the workshops.  






Treasures of the Nile (Tues 14th February)
Become an archaeologist for the day!  Activities include taking on the role of an archaeologist, using various instruments to find the ancient treasure and making Treasures of the Nile booklets!  

Living in the Field of Reeds (Wed 15th February)
Learn what the ancient Egyptians believed happened to them when they entered the Field of Reeds!  Activities include: mummification, weighing of the heart, making clay servant figures and food offering trays for the afterlife.

Never smile at a crocodile! (Thurs 16th February)
Learn the role of animals in ancient Egypt.  Which animals were pets? Which were used for work? Which animals were feared?  Activities include: Animal headed gods and goddesses, animal mummification, making animal masks and designing a ‘Devourer’!

Patterns of the Nile (Fri 17th February)            
Learn about body decoration in life and death.  Search for treasure in the galleries looking for repeated patterns, symmetry and colours used on ancient Egyptian objects.  Make a bandana and decorate it with patterns discovered during the day. 

Workshops run 10am-3.30pm
Cost – £15 per workshop  (Please bring a packed lunch and wear play clothes).
Only 10 places available per workshop that have to be pre-booked with payment and parent/guardian consent form submitted. To download form click here.


Tel 01792 295960

Or email w.r.goodridge@swansea.ac.uk

