• English
  • Cymraeg


W305Coffin lid of anthropoid coffin made for a woman (note the vulture headdress). It dates to the Third Intermediate Period. Although on first glance it may be thought to be Middle Kingdom, the mummy straps show it is a much later date (indicated by the red cross -shape shown between the lappets and above the collar). This is a north Egypt type. A number were found at Saqqara which date from the 22nd Dynasty to 700 BC. It is very different from the yellow coffins with crowded scenes usually associated with 21st Dynasty Thebes. UC36213 in the Petrie Museum is quite similar to this example. See also British Museum EA 30720a (Jørrgensen 2001, 14, fig. 4).


The inscription reads: 

Htp-di-nsw Inpw tp(y) Dw.f imy-wt nb tA Dsr nTr nfr xnty sH nTr prt hrw 


An offering which the king gives and which Anubis, on his hill, in the wat, lord of the Sacred Land, good god, foremost of the divine booth, (gives), a voice offering….’. 


Further Reading 

Jørgensen, M. 2001. Egypt III. Coffins, Mummy Adornments and Mummies From the Third Intermediate Period, Late, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods (1080BC-AD 400). NY Carlsberg Glyptotek.

Other Third Intermediate Period Coffins in the Egypt Centre
