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Egypt Centre has a number of inscribed shabtis in its collection. This one dates to the 25th Dynasty and is one of a large number of shabtis belonging to the Chief lector priest Pedamenope. It is made from basalt and was purchased by Sir Henry Wellcome at auction in 1924. 

Malek (1977) discusses the shabtis of Pedamenope in the Ashmolean and Fitzwilliam Museum. He states that while there are very many shabtis of this man, they are very often, like ours, fragmentary. Other shabtis belonging to Pedamenope also occur in the Petrie Museum, Amsterdam, etc. Pedamenope was the owner of tomb 33 at Assasif. He was probably a chief lector priest of Amun at Thebes. 

Other shabtis in the Egypt Centre

Further Reading

Lloyd-Edwards, H. 1983, A Descriptive Catalogue of Inscribed Funerary Objects in the Swansea Wellcome Collection. (Unpublished MA thesis University College Swansea) 73-77. 

Malek, J. 1977. Shaptis of Pedamenope (TT 33) in the Ashmolean and Fitzwilliam Museums. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 63, 137-141. 

Schneider, H.D., 1977. Shabtis. An Introduction To The History Of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes With A Catalogue Of The Shabtis In The National Museum Of Antiquities at Leiden. Vol II.

