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Wednesday 14th November 2012

Martina Minas-Nerpel & Troy Sagrillo (Swansea University)

The Forgotten Temple of Isis: The Swansea University–KU Leuven Epigraphic Mission at Shanhur’.

Egyptologists from the Universities of Swansea, Leuven (Belgium), and Leipzig (Germany) conduct research at the temple of Isis at Shanhur in Upper Egypt.  The temple, located twenty kilometres north of Luxor,
 is an Egyptian temple built and decorated in the Roman period under Augustus to Trajan. Its hieroglyphic inscriptions have now all been collated and are in the process of being translated and analysed in order to be published in an extensive further volume, including facsimile drawings. An in-depth study of the religious aspects will be included, analysing the cult topography of a temple located at the border between the Theban and the Coptite nomes, thus merging two religious systems
